Search Results

All search results for . 6271-6280 of 19507 results.

'Science of Better' Campaign Reaches Out with Banner Ads
...Have you seen the banner ads? This fall, the INFORMS Science of Better campaign ...

New Age of Optimization Applications
...We are moving to a day where managers want to do real-time adjustments to their ...

Hamburg International Conference of Logistics 2009 (HICL2009)

'Wising Up' the ORacle
...In the spring of 1986, Doug Samuelson stopped by the office of Armand Weiss, at ...

The Artists' Parable
...quot;So tell me," an admiring colleague asked, "what was this award I ...

ESREL 2009 Annual Conference

The Case for Publishers
...Last issue, I began looking at the impact on the publishing industry of new ...

Logistics Management 2009

INFORMS MSOM Conference and Special Interest Group (SIGs) Meetings
...We invite you to attend the 2009 MSOM Annual Conference and the Special Interest...

Diversity, INFORMS Style
...The early literature on operations research stressed interdisciplinary teams. ...