
INFORMS invites you to maximize your company’s visibility through exhibit & sponsorship opportunities at conferences and events.


Sponsor & Exhibit

Why Exhibit & Sponsor

Target and access decision makers from academia, industry, and government when you exhibit & sponsor at INFORMS meetings and conferences throughout the year.

INFORMS attendees hold advanced degrees in mathematics, engineering, business and other related fields and often rely on sophisticated tools to perform their jobs effectively. By reaching out to O.R. professionals and academics, INFORMS offers you the opportunity to meet and communicate with key decision makers, build your client base, increase visibility, and present your newest products and services.

2025 Analytics+ Conference 2024 Annual Meeting

Yearly Conference Bundles Available

If you are interested in Exhibiting or Sponsoring at more than one conference per year, bundled packages are available upon request. 


Please contact conferencesales@informs.org at The Wyman Company.


Link to the form below to place an advertising order, receive sponsorship or exhibitor information, or to inquire on prices and availabilty