Search Results

All search results for . 6231-6240 of 19507 results.

Mathematica 5.1
...In the December 2003 issue, I reviewed Mathematica 5 from operations research ...

41st annual convention of OR society of india

Tossing Beanbags
...Management science instructors often use techniques and games to translate ...

The Art and Science of 'Better'
...Operations research is defined by Morse and Kimball [1951] to be "a ...

2009 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science
...INFORMS Service Science conference aims to provide a timely forum and bring ...

Letters To the Editor
...Problem of the Week...

CTW09 (Cologne-Twente Worskhop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization)
...The Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization 2009 ...

Breast Cancer and O.R.
...Let me distract you from Christmas and your glass of mulled wine with a question...

The Harbor Pilot's Parable
...The OR/MS analyst and his wife had been on vacation only a few days, but already...

IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence