Search Results

All search results for . 6241-6250 of 19507 results.

A Passion for Publications
...INFORMS President-Elect Mark Daskin, who takes over the presidential reins on ...

Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks

OR: Past, Present and Future
...While our field is just over 50 years old, we in operations research can point ...

Teaching O.R. Modeling
...When I'm asked what the most important O.R. skill is for the majority of our ...

Weddings & Workflow
...A few short weeks from my wedding day. The closer we get, the more "real&...

The 12th International Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC'09)

Fleet Manager Milks Efficiency out of Dairy Company
...New Zealand dairy companies are faced with the question of how to collect milk ...

Data Mining Components
...Large- and mid-sized companies have expended significant resources in acquiring ...

Game Theory: A 'Nobel' Pursuit
...Thomas C. Schelling...

The Sixth International Conference on Theory and Practice in Performance Measurement
...The University of Otago's School of Business will host the event, which will be...