Search Results

All search results for . 6321-6330 of 19507 results.

Give P.E.A.C.E. a Chance
...John Kettelle, the author of this month's cover story on a concept he calls &...

Web Access for the Disabled
...Web access for the disabled is a rather delicate topic, but it is rapidly ...

7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2009)

CETL-MSOR Conference 2009
...On the 7th and 8th September 2009, the Maths, Stats & OR Network will be ...

O.R. at General Electric Global Research Center
...General Electric Global Research Center (GEGR) has been a cornerstone of GE ...

6th International Conference on Computational Management Science
...The CMS conference is an annual meeting associated with the journal of...

QMS 1.1
...Quantitative Methods Software Version 1.1 (QMS) is a comprehensive collection of...

10th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises

Author eyes us with optimism, concern
...I subscribe to The Week [1], a publication that strives to aggregate information...

7th International Conference on Information Science Technology and Management (CISTM 2009)