Search Results

All search results for . 6141-6150 of 19507 results.

Software Survey Saga
...One of the more labor-intensive editorial exercises we conduct on a regular ...

CRM: Picking Up the Crums
...Much has been written about the "crumminess" of customer relationship ...

What a Kick!
...The 1998 World Cup is over, but the controversy surrounding the premier sporting...

Microsoft .Net: More than Web Services
...The buzzword in development circles this year is ".NET." Seems ...

Premium Solver Platform for Excel

Course Correction
...At a recent INFORMS conference, I participated in a very interesting discussion ...

Focus Best Minds on Most Important Problems
...The tragedy of the great tsunami of December 2004 fills our minds and hearts as ...

The Information That Wasn't There: A Proposal to INFORMS
...Billy Bob Thornton, who gets my vote as Best Actor for 2001, plays the role of a...

IOL Resources for ORMS Education
...In keeping with the theme of this month's issue, here is a short guide to the ...

Viruses, Trojan Horses & Worms
...Spam isn't the only annoying thing showing up uninvited on computers these days...