All search results for . 6101-6110 of 20203 results.
INFORMS News: Bonder Scholarship for O.R. in Military Apps
...Bonder Scholarship for Applied O.R. in Military Applications (l-r): presenter ...
Wall Street, finance is a matter of testosterone
Testosterone makes the stock market more "frantic"
INFORMS News: Bonder Scholarship for O.R. in Health Services
...Bonder Scholarship for Applied O.R. in Health Services (l-r): Merrill Bonder, ...
CMU dean elected to lead data science organization
John Paul MacDuffie
INFORMS News: Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Paper Competition
...Do gooders (l-r): DGWGOR presenter Chase Rainwater applauds Can Zhang (winner), ...
Gian-Gabriel P. Garcia
Air Liquide: World leader in gases, technologies and services for industry and health
...By Jeffrey E. Arbogast and Athanasios Kontopoulos...
Toyya Pujol