All search results for . 6091-6100 of 20203 results.
INFORMS News: Lehigh University, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections win Wagner Prize
...Lehigh University professors and students teamed up with the Pennsylvania ...
Career advice: This is the best person to try to be at work, according to science
The hidden cost of crime: Tanzanians pay as much as 7% to protect money from theft
...Key Takeaways:- Mobile money is usually seen as an effective way to send money ...
2018 INFORMS MSOM Conference
INFORMS News: George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition
...Nicholson Student Paper presenter Hayriye Ayhan (front center) is flanked by ...
2018 INFORMS Telecommunications Conference
What's the cause of stock market crashes? Too much testosterone, science says
INFORMS News: Tsitsiklis receives Saul Gass Expository Writing Award
...John Tsitsklis (left) accepts Saul Gass Expository Writing Award as presenter ...
Studies suggest link between testosterone, stock market instability