Search Results

All search results for . 6071-6080 of 19507 results.

Internet Use: Are Instructors Up to Speed?
...The information superhighway has become a crucial link necessary for businesses ...

Quantitative Evaluation of HIV Prevention Programs
...How successful are HIV prevention programs? Which HIV prevention programs are ...

Analysts Promote Human Rights
...Quietly, unobtrusively, a few statisticians and O.R. analysts have made major ...

... And There Is So Much More to Do!
...Last issue, I reviewed the history of INFORMS Online (IOL) under the title of &...

Looking Out for No. 1
...Hey, Tom Cook. You built the biggest, most influential operations research ...

Clinging to Half-Truths
...Though I am chronically short on time, I recently jumped at the chance to ...

Answering the Call to Service
...Robert Abrams and Arthur Geoffrion, who combined have more than 50 years of ...

How Continental Landed On Its Feet
...Anna White, director of Crew Technology at Continental Airlines, had never faced...

Has Academic O.R. Lost Its Way?
...I recently read an obituary in The New York Times of the sociologist Ida Hoos ...

Mangasarian's Pioneering Work in Data Mining Earns Lanchester Prize
...Olvi Mangasarian, a professor in the Computer Science Department at the ...