Search Results

All search results for . 11211-11220 of 19508 results.

2012 INFORMS Annual Meeting Phoenix
...2012 Wagner Prize Presentations...

Marketing, Communications, and Outreach Group

Awards Group

2011 INFORMS Annual Meeting Charlotte
...2011 Wagner Prize Presentations...

2010 INFORMS Annual Meeting Austin
...2010 Wagner Prize Presentations...

2009 INFORMS Annual Meeting San Diego
...2009 Wagner Prize Presentations&nbsp...

2016 INFORMS Analytics Conference Orlando
...2016 Franz Edelman Competition Videos2016 Edelman Gala2016 Innovative ...

2010 Wagner Prize Finalist - GE Global Research
...Marketing Optimization in Retail Banking (GE)We address the problem of making ...

2015 INFORMS Analytics Conference Huntington Beach
...2015 Franz Edelman Competition Videos2015 Edelman Gala2015 Innovative ...

Linda Argote