Search Results

All search results for . 11151-11160 of 19509 results.

2012 Edelman Finalist CDC
...Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Advancing Public Health and Medical ...

2012 Edelman Finalist Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group
...Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Maximizes Revenue through Improved Demand Management...

2012 Edelman Winner TNT Express
...Supply Chain-Wide Optimization at TNT ExpressTNT Express is one of the world's ...

2013 Edelman Finalist McKesson
...McKesson: A Holistic Supply Chain Management SolutionMcKesson is America's ...

Innovative Applications in Analytics Award Videos
...Innovative Applications in Analytics Award VideosThe purpose this award is to ...

H&T Videos
...INFORMS History & Traditions Videos...

2013 Edelman Finalist Kroger
...Kroger Uses Simulation-Optimization to Improve Pharmacy Inventory ManagementThe ...

Wagner Competition Videos
...Wagner Prize Competition VideosThis prize emphasizes the quality and coherence ...

2013 Edelman Finalist Dell
...Dells Channel Transformation Leveraging Operations Research to Unleash ...

Gala Videos
...Edelman Gala VideosSince 1972, INFORMS and the OR/MS and analytics community has...