Search Results

All search results for . 11161-11170 of 19509 results.

2016 Edelman Competition Videos
...The 2016 Franz Edelman Competiton was held in Orlando, Florida on April 11...

2013 Edelman Finalist Chevron
...Optimizing Chevrons RefineriesChevron has developed a software modeling tool ...

2013 Edelman Finalist Baosteel
...Operations Research Transforms Baosteels OperationsShanghai Baoshan Iron and ...

Increasing Surgical Safety
...The Mayo Clinic Department of Orthopedic Surgery was facing low utilization of ...

2013 Edelman WInner Dutch Delta Commissioners
...Economically Efficient Standards to Protect the Netherlands against FloodingIn ...

Career FAQs
...FAQs About O.R. & Analytics&nbsp...

2014 Edelman Finalist Twitter
...The "Who to Follow" System at Twitter: Strategy, Algorithms & ...

Overcoming the Challenges of Aircraft Engine Maintenance and Repair
...The planning of spare engines and engine parts is a challenging and important ...

2014 Edelman Finalist NBN with Biarri
...Optimized Fibre Optic Network Design...

...INFORMS Committees are the primary decision-making groups of INFORMS. If you ...