Search Results

All search results for . 6501-6510 of 19507 results.

Jagpreet Chhatwal

O.R. Abandoned Its Interdisciplinary Roots
...I just finished reading the interview in OR/MS Today with Dr. Richard Larson (&...

CEOs are Tough Sells
...Whether they're peddling their product to CEOs or MBA students, those who toil ...

The Congressman's Parable
...The O.R. analyst had finally surmounted his most recent technical challenge, but...

You Can't Spell SpORts Without O.R., but ... You Can Teach O.R. With Sports!
...One very effective way to recapture and hold the fading attention of students is...

Hamid Nazerzadeh

Equity 3
...The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence (MOD) procures equipment for the three ...

Dimitri P. Bertsekas

David Hutton

Peter Frazier