Search Results

All search results for . 6471-6480 of 19507 results.

As the wORld turns
...Different customs and cultures impact the way operations research is taught and ...

Memo to MBA Instructors: I Need Your Help
...By the time you read this, my 20th year high school reunion will have come and ...

The Netwar in Iraq
...The U.S.-led Coalition's swift victory in Iraq was more than a military campaign...

Altitude Manpower Planning
...Manpower planning is a fundamental process of an airline's operations. Montreal-...

Spreadsheet Add-Ins for OR/MS
...Like Dr. Johnson's dog walking on its hind legs remarkable for being done at ...

The Air Force Modeling and Simulation Resource Repository
...Ever wonder what operations research topics are being looked at in the Air Force...

Business Process Excellence and OR
...While OR and business process excellence may not be closely related on the first...

Optimization Society Farkas Prize
...The Farkas Prize of the INFORMS Optimization Society was established in 2006 and...

Enterprise Optimizer
...Enterprise Optimizer (EO) is an interesting and unique software product. EO is ...

Best Dissertation Proposal Competition
...This competition is one of the most prestigious available to doctoral students ...