Best Paper Competition -- Application Process

Nomination and Selection Process
Each member of the Service Science Section is encouraged to nominate one Service Science paper for this award (self-nominations are allowed). Nominators will be validated against Section membership records for current membership. To examine the papers which you might nominate, please see the following links:

Nomination Package
Please include (1) citation to paper, (2) name and email of nominator, and (3) a short paragraph explaining why the paper should be considered for the Best Paper Award. 

Nomination Deadline
July 1, 2015. Nominations will be tabulated by the Award Chairs.  

The top five nominated papers will be presented for a vote by a panel consisting of Service Science Section leaders (Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Advisory Board Members) and the Service Science Editorial Review Board. The final vote will be tabulated and the winner will be announced during the business meeting of the Service Science Section at INFORMS in Philadelphia, November 2015.

The winner will receive a $500 award check and an award plaque. If a multiple author paper wins, the award check will be divided equally among the authors, and a maximum of five authors will receive a plaque.

Award Committee
The Award Committee consists of (i) Dr. Paul Maglio, Editor-In-Chief, Service Science, and (ii) Dr. PK Kannan, Service Science Section Chair, 2015.

2015 Committee Chair:

Paul Maglio
[email protected]