Best Cluster Paper Award

2023 First Place

Winning material: Social Learning with Polarized Preferences on Content Platforms

2023 First Place

  • Miao Bai, American University of Beirut
Winning material: Helping the Captive Audience: Advance Notice of Diagnostic Service for Hospital Inpatients

Purpose of the Award

This award is a competitive award, started in 2013, which is based on the best papers submitted to the Section's sponsored cluster at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Application process:

Click here for more information.

Past Awardees

2023 First Place
Dongwook Shin, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Miao Bai, American University of Beirut
2023 Second Place
Morvarid Rahmani, Georgia Institute of Technology
Guillaume Roels, UCLA Anderson School of Management
2023 Finalist
Wen Zhang, Baylor University
Cheng Hua, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Youngsoo Kim, University of Alabama
Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
2021 First Place
Luyi Yang
Qiuping Yu, Georgia Institute of Technology
2021 Third Place
Pnina Feldman
2021 Finalist
Aditya Vedantam, University at Buffalo
Yao Cui, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
Nitin Bakshi, London Business School
Seokjun Youn, University of Arizona
Wenhao Li, City University of Hong Kong
Zhimei Ren, Stanford University
Zhenzhen Jia, Fudan University
Warut Khern-am-nuai, McGill University
Yiwen Shen, Columbia University
Ruihao Zhu, Purdue University
Bhavani Shanker Uppari, Singapore Management University
2018 Winner(s)
Tamar Cohen-Hillel Georgia Perakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kiran Panchamgam
2018 Finalist
Zhong-Zhong Jiang Guangwen Kong, University of Minnesota Yinghao Zhang
Saif Benjaafar, University of Michigan Jian-Ya Ding Guangwen Kong, University of Minnesota Terry Taylor , University of California - Berkeley
Jianfu Wang Ming Hu, University of Toronto
Jon M. Stauffer Aly Megahed, IBM Research Chelliah Sriskandarajah, University of Texas at Dallas Ahmed Nazeem
Adam Elmachtoub, Columbia Vishal Gupta, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michael L. Hamilton
2018 Runner-Up
Selin Merdan, University of Michigan Christine Barnett , University of Michigan Brian T. Denton, University of Michigan  James E. Montie, University of Michigan David C. Miller , University of Michigan
2016 Winner(s)
Lennart Baardman Maxime C. Cohen, McGill University Georgia Perakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kiran Panchamgam Danny Segev