The author(s) and the paper must satisfy the following conditions to be eligible for the prize:
- The paper must be published in, or submitted and received by, a refereed professional journal during the three calendar years prior to the year of the award.
- Every nominee must be a student on the first of January in the year of application/nomination.
- Any co-author(s) not nominated for the award should send a letter indicating that the majority of the nominated work was performed by the nominee(s).
- The topic of the paper must belong to the field of optimization in its broadest sense.
- The prize may be awarded once in a lifetime to any individual.
Nomination Process
Nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the committee, Vineet Goyal, by email at [email protected] on or before June 15, 2017.
Committee members: Kiavash Kianfar, Javier Peña, Ermin Wei