MSOM Distinguished Fellows Award

2024 Winner(s)

Purpose of the Award

The Distinguished Fellow Award was approved by the MSOM members at the Spring Business Meeting in 1999 in Cincinnati. By the election of a limited number of MSOM Fellows, MSOM recognizes outstanding research and scholarship in operations management. Election as an MSOM Fellow should be considered a rare distinction, comparable with membership in Omega Rho. Teaching and service contributions are not considered in the selection process.

Application Process

Click here for award application information. 

Past Awardees

2024 Winner(s)
Mor Armony, NYU Saif Benjaafar, University of Michigan Vishal Gaur, Cornell University, The Johnson School
2023 Winner(s)
Amy R. Ward, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
2022 Awardee(s)
Panos Kouvelis, Washington University, St Louis
2021 Awardee(s)
Georgia Perakis, MIT/ Sloan School of Management
Brian Tomlin, Dartmouth University
2020 Awardee(s)
Jayashankar M. Swaminathan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2019 Awardee(s)
Charles Corbett, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Linda Green, Columbia Business School
Avishai Mandelbaum, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
2018 Awardee(s)
Edward H. Kaplan, Yale University Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
2017 Awardee(s)
Jeannette Song, Duke University Sridhar Tayur, Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business Beril Toktay, Georgia Institute of Technology
2016 Awardee(s)
Christian Terwiesch
2015 Awardee(s)
Martin A. Lariviere, Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University
Christopher Tang, University of California-Los Angeles
2014 Awardee(s)
Matthew J. Sobel
Robin O. Roundy, Brigham Young University
Uday S. Karmarkar, University of California-Los Angeles
2013 Awardee(s)
John R. Birge, University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business Guillermo Gallego, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology David Simchi-Levi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2012 Awardee(s)
Paul R. Kleindorfer, INSEAD
Ward Whitt, Columbia University, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Dept.
Jan A. Van Mieghem, Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
2011 Awardee(s)
Peter Kolesar, Columbia University, Graduate School of Business
2010 Awardee(s)
Steve Nahmias, Santa Clara University
2009 Awardee(s)
Gabriel R. Bitran, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Aleda Roth, Clemson University Luk Van Wassenhove, INSEAD
2008 Awardee(s)
Sven Axsater, Lund University, Sweden John A. Muckstadt, Cornell University J. Michael Harrison, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
2007 Awardee(s)
Garrett J. van Ryzin, Cornell Tech
2006 Awardee(s)
Harvey M. Wagner, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler Business School Linus Schrage, Booth School of Business
University of Chicago
2005 Awardee(s)
Wallace J. Hopp, Dept. of Industrial and Operations Engineering
University of Michigan
Warren J. Hahn, University of Texas at Austin Bill Maxwell, Cornell University
2004 Awardee(s)
Morris A. Cohen, University of Pennsylvania Awi Federgruen, Columbia University
2003 Awardee(s)
Lawrence M. Wein, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
2002 Awardee(s)
Marshall L. Fisher, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School Operations & Information Management Dept. Evan Porteus, Stanford University
2001 Awardee(s)
Ken Baker, Dartmouth College Hau Lee, Stanford University Paul H. Zipkin, Duke University, Fuqua School of Business
2000 Awardee(s)
John Buzacott Steve Graves, MIT Ed Silver, University of Calgary