News Room

A collection of press releases, audio content and media clips featuring INFORMS members and their research.

INFORMS Applauds Passage of Historic Legislation to Modernize STEM Education
News Release

BALTIMORE, MD, September 26, 2024 – In overwhelming bipartisan fashion, the U.S. House of Representatives just passed the “Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Education Act,” (H.R. 1735) which, if enacted, would modernize STEM education in the United States. The bill passed by unanimous consent.

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Closing the Racial Gap in CRC: Screening is Just the First Step
Media Coverage

Too many people in the United States are dying of colorectal cancer (CRC). The #2 cancer killer in the United States, it impacts Black Americans disproportionately. Compared to White adults, Black adults aged 50 and above get colon cancer at a rate that’s 23% higher than White adults and have a 31% higher risk of dying from the disease.1 These disparities persist despite progress in screening and treatment and are particularly frustrating because CRC is highly treatable when caught in early stages and even preventable when pre-cancers are identified and removed through screening. These differences in incidence and mortality persist even while we have made progress to make screening more accessible to all. A 2019 NIH study showed that a similar proportion of Black and White Americans are up to date with CRC screening2, a meaningful improvement since 20053. If screening access and uptake are now so similar, why do these disparities persist?  

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Big Government and Big Tech both want your biometric data
Media Coverage

Both Amazon and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) are demanding the biometric data of all Americans.

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Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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Europe Threatens to Restrict Vaccine Exports After AstraZeneca and Pfizer Hit Production Problems

Europe Threatens to Restrict Vaccine Exports After AstraZeneca and Pfizer Hit Production Problems

CNN Business, January 26, 2021

The European Union is calling out vaccine makers AstraZeneca (AZN) and Pfizer (PFE) over delivery delays that could slow its recovery from the pandemic. Officials are even threatening to restrict exports and take legal action as anger mounts. AstraZeneca will not be able to deliver as many doses of its vaccine as promised, according to EU officials, putting government rollout plans and the economic recovery at risk. The news comes after Pfizer said it had delivered fewer doses of its vaccine than expected last week. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides on Monday expressed dissatisfaction on talks with AstraZeneca and said conversations would continue. She said the drugmaker "intends to supply considerably fewer doses in the coming weeks than agreed and announced."

Houston Residents Worry About Where, When to Receive Their Second Vaccine Doses

Houston Residents Worry About Where, When to Receive Their Second Vaccine Doses

Houston Chronicle, January 26, 2021

Three weeks ago, Jim Lober became one of the lucky few to receive a first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at Bayou City Event Center. Lober, a 69-year-old attorney, left the venue where thousands would wait in lines wrapping around the building with the beige card indicating he’d received the vaccine on Jan. 8 and was due back in four weeks for the final shot. At first, the Houston Health Department told him to call back the week before his second shot; but when he checked the city’s website, he learned he should wait for the department to reach out to him for scheduling. Now, with one week left before Lober should receive the second dose of Moderna, he has no clue when or where to go.

Biden Aims to Boost Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution by Using 1950s Law

Biden Aims to Boost Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution by Using 1950s Law

The Wall Street Journal, January 22, 2021

President Biden’s plan to use a Cold War-era law to boost the Covid-19 vaccination effort isn’t likely to expand production significantly in the near term, but it could jump-start vaccinations by increasing other supplies such as syringes, vaccine manufacturers and experts say. Mr. Biden has invoked the Defense Production Act to take certain steps to expand vaccine manufacturing, such as producing more equipment and materials used to make shots. He also will use the act to boost supplies such as “low dead space” syringes, which can be used to squeeze more doses out of vaccine vials. Mr. Biden, inaugurated Wednesday, has set a plan to administer 100 million vaccine doses in the first 100 days of his presidency.

Corporations Offer to Help With Vaccine Rollout

Corporations Offer to Help With Vaccine Rollout

Marketplace, January 22, 2021

The Donald Trump administration left the vaccine rollout, for the most part, to state and local governments. So right now, “it’s literally the Wild West,” said Anna Nagurney, professor of operations management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “You need better coordination, better communication and emphasizing operational efficiency,” Nagurney said. “And we know how to do that.” By “we,” she meant American companies.

How the U.S. Could Double the Vaccination Pace With Existing Supply

How the U.S. Could Double the Vaccination Pace With Existing Supply

The New York Times, January 22, 2021

President Biden’s promise to administer 100 million vaccines by his 100th day in office is no longer a lofty goal; it is attainable at the current pace at which shots are going into arms. In fact, some experts have suggested that the president’s ambition is far too modest. Federal data shows that the United States is already administering about one million doses a day, and even doubling that rate would not cause the country to fall short of distribution capacity or supply. Here’s how the vaccination campaign could play out if the United States maintains the current pace, assuming that the vaccine makers Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna meet their supply agreements and vaccines continue to be distributed at the same rate they have been over the last two weeks.

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