Search Results

All search results for . 6881-6890 of 19507 results.

INFORMS - Call for nominations: 2015 Distinguished Service Award of the INFORMS Simulation Society
...To recognize individuals who have provided longstanding, exceptional service to ...

Terry P. Harrison, CAP
...Terry P. Harrison was the 18th president of INFORMS. He has been the Earl P. ...

...Four members of INFORMS Jonathan Caulkins, S. Jack Hu, Michael Todd and ...

Optimal Contracts in Complex Projects*
...In a recent article in the Seattle Times (March 22, 2015), Jon Talton wrote ...

8th International Conference on Applied Operational Research - ICAOR 2016

IFIP 2017

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe train pulled smoothly and quietly out ...

INFORMS NEWS: Roundup of Roundtable’s spring meeting
...By Jeff Winters...

Keeney, Ralph L.

...Arjang A. AssadArjang A. Assad, a longtime and active member of INFORMS, has ...