Search Results

All search results for . 5941-5950 of 20203 results.

ORSI turns 60
...Operational Research Society of India prepares to celebrate milestone in ...

More senior living communities are following in the footsteps of Edelman Award winning Holiday Retirement

CEOs who appear on CNBC can see their pay rise over $200,000 per year

Setting stretch goals can undermine organizational performance

Are you a CEO who wants a raise? Try going on TV

INFORMS News: Houston, we solve problems
...The 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting will light up Houston in October. Source: ...

INFORMS News - INFORMS Healthcare 2017: Optimizing operations & outcomes
...By Edwin Romeijn and Joris van de Klundert...

Inside Story: Where the teaching is
...Peter Horner, editorpeter.horner@mail.informs.orgWillie Sutton, the infamous and...

INFORMS News: Air Force Academy’s O.R. program saluted
...Jack Levis of UPS (far left) and Prize Committee Chair Robin Lougee (far right) ...

Kim-Chuan Toh