All search results for . 5941-5950 of 20203 results.
ORSI turns 60
...Operational Research Society of India prepares to celebrate milestone in ...
CEOs who appear on CNBC can see their pay rise over $200,000 per year
Setting stretch goals can undermine organizational performance
Are you a CEO who wants a raise? Try going on TV
INFORMS News: Houston, we solve problems
...The 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting will light up Houston in October. Source: ...
INFORMS News - INFORMS Healthcare 2017: Optimizing operations & outcomes
...By Edwin Romeijn and Joris van de Klundert...
Inside Story: Where the teaching is
...Peter Horner, editorpeter.horner@mail.informs.orgWillie Sutton, the infamous and...
INFORMS News: Air Force Academy’s O.R. program saluted
...Jack Levis of UPS (far left) and Prize Committee Chair Robin Lougee (far right) ...
Kim-Chuan Toh