Search Results

All search results for . 4131-4140 of 19494 results.

Russell Barton
...Russell Barton, Penn State Smeal College of Business senior associate dean for ...

Yi Liu
...What has been your best INFORMS experience?It was 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting in...

Randy Bartlett
...Bartlett is a statistician, big data scientist, business analytics leader, ...

Stefan Karisch
...As director of Analytics, Stefan Karisch is responsible for the development and ...

Nick Wzientek
...Nick Wzientek serves is the Vice President of Operations Research and Analytics ...

Alan Briggs, CAP
...What has been your best INFORMS experience?Id have to say my best INFORMS ...

Video Library
...Video LibraryO.R. and Analytics: Saving Lives. Saving Money. Solving Problems.We...

Banafsheh Behzad
...What has been your best INFORMS experience?The first INFORMS meeting I attended ...

Leveraging O.R. to Achieve the Competitive Edge
...The Chilean Professional Soccer Association (ANFP) has applied Operations ...

Minimizing Risk to Save Lives
...In 21st Century warfare, troops depend on complex weapon systems and advanced ...