All search results for . 41-50 of 20248 results.
The Imposter Syndrome
...I can't remember how I felt on the day of my college graduation but I do ...
Gorbachev's Parable
...The lively conversation at the barbecue party had resulted in an agreement to ...
International Multiconferenc on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT 2009)
Diversity, INFORMS Style
...The early literature on operations research stressed interdisciplinary teams. ...
Mass Customization
...You can get a Ford in "any color you want, as long as it's black." ...
The 8th Annual Security Conference Discourses in Security, Assurance and Privacy
Selling Operations Research: An Historical Perspective
...As an historian of science, I am currently researching the early history of O.R...
By Cliff Welborn
...Over the past year, I've heard my undergraduate engineering students �� even the...
4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09)
Catalyst for Change: Diversity and Discomfort
...I recently moved from San Francisco to Oakland (some of you may know that ...