Search Results

All search results for . 361-370 of 19483 results.

David C. Miller 

Allen Cheng

INFORMS News: Student Team Competition targets food production
...L-r): Aurelie Thiele presents the U.K.-based team of Peter Riley, Anna Scholes ...

Pedro Aceves

INFORMS News: Turner Broadcasting receives Innovative Applications in Analytics Award
...By Scott GrasmanTurner Broadcasting System, Inc. received the 2017 Innovative ...

Yi Zhang

Evelyn Zhang

MAPD maps out the future of analytics education
...Inaugural INFORMS Meeting of Analytics Program Directors meets the needs of fast...

Harnessing the wisdom of crowds: New online resource shares impact of analytics on crowdsourcing
...CATONSVILLE, MD, October 30, 2017 From reporting traffic jams using the Waze...

Arda Yenipazarli