Search Results

All search results for . 2541-2550 of 19484 results.

Informs News: Plenary - Advanced analytics at American Airlines
...Jim Diamond, managing director of operations research and advanced analytics at ...

2009 Wagner Prize Finalist - Intel Corporation
...Extending Bass for Improved New Product Forecasting at IntelForecasting demand ...

Informs News: Meeting of Analytics Program Directors
...The inaugural Meeting of Analytics Program Directors (MAPD) will be held on ...

2009 Wagner Prize Finalist - University of Dayton
...Hub Group Implements a Suite of OR Tools to Improve its OperationsHub Group ...

Informs News: Edelman Awards Gala
...One of the highlights of the INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & O.R...

2009 Wagner Prize Finalist - IBM
...A Queuing Model-Based System for Semiconductor Production Planning at IBMThis ...

Statistical Analysis Software Survey: The joys and perils of statistics
...By James J. Swain...

Safe and Effective Crowd Control
...The Hajj the great Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia is known...

2009 Wagner Prize Winner - Princeton University
...Approximate Dynamic Programming Captures Fleet Operations for Schneider ...

Informs News: ISMS Marketing Science Conference
...The 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference will be held June 7-10 at the ...