All search results for . 18221-18230 of 20108 results.
New Age of Optimization Applications
...We are moving to a day where managers want to do real-time adjustments to their ...
The China India Consumer Insights Conference
...The China India Consumer Insights Conference...
3rd International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management
...The first and the second OSCM conferences were successfully held in Bali in 2005...
The Ex-Marine's Parable
...quot;If only management would listen to reason," the OR/MS analyst griped ...
By Cliff Welborn
...Over the past year, I've heard my undergraduate engineering students �� even the...
O.R. for the Public Good
...St. Joseph Center is a charitable organization �� a 501(C)(3) in tax parlance...
Why the U.S. healthcare system is so sick ... and what O.R. can do to cure it
...Americans spend more than $2 trillion a year on healthcare, half of it is wasted...
Air Force Salutes Project SCOOP
...In June 1947, a month before the National Security Act created the U.S. Air ...
Making Skies Safer
...The terrorist events on Sept. 11, 2001, will forever alter the way our nation ...
Nerd-less in Seattle
...If you've never been to an INFORMS annual meeting because you shudder at the ...