Search Results

All search results for . 17951-17960 of 19484 results.

Siddharth Balwani

Vishal Ahuja

John Birge

April | Volume 39 | Number 2
...The following table of contents lists articles in the April 2012 print edition ...

TNT 2012 Edelman Winner
...Huntington Beach, CA, April 17, 2012 TNT Express, which used operations ...

2012 GIAMS
...CALL for PAPERSGIAMS 2012 (indexed by ISTP)Global Information and Management ...

...Call for paper website:

George D Smith Prize 2012
...Huntington Beach, CA, April 18, 2012 The Tauber Institute for Global ...

VeRoLog 2012

Bilkent Supply Chain and Logistics
...We invite researchers and practitioners working in the area of Supply Chain ...