All search results for . 13331-13340 of 20211 results.
Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization
...Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies of this call...
SoftWars 2007: Conference on Social, Organizational and Economic Impact of Information Technologies
2nd Nordic Optimization Symposium (11th meeting of the Nordic MPS)
OPT 2008 Optimization for Machine Learning - NIPS*2008 Workshop
INFORMS Optimization Society: Theory, Computation, and Emerging Applications Atlanta
OR's Finest Hour
...The civilized world was shocked, then saddened and finally outraged by the ...
INFORMS Regional Conference
The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 2009)
IOL Launches Practice Portal
...The INFORMS Online Practice Portal ( debuted, ...
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2009)
...Special Session on Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Probabilistic Models...