Search Results

All search results for . 11991-12000 of 19507 results.

A guided tour of the INFORMS history website
...INFORMS committee creates website devoted to the history of operations research ...

Identifying and Structuring the Objectives of the “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (ISIL) and its Followers
...The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) poses a growing threat to ...

Kayse Maass

...Peter Horner, editorpeter.horner@mail.informs.orgI first met Ed Kaplan nearly 25...

The Pedagogy of Zombies
...Given their cult-like following, many educators have turned to zombies to act as...

Eghbal Rashidi

Michael Prokle

...L. Robin KellerINFORMS

Matt Walls

Agriculture: Fertile ground for analytics and innovation
...By Joseph ByrumPhotos courtesy of Syngenta...