[The conference will take place on this day during the multiconference
INFORMATION SOCIETY 2004 (Oct. 11-15, 2004). There is a very small
possibility of a date change to another date in this time interval,
therefore, the status of the date is "almost certain".]
Although the role of Theoretical Computer Science is constantly
changing it remains the cornerstone of Computer Science. TCS is not
only a cornerstone, but also an intersection point for ideas from
fields like discrete mathematics, computer science, computer
engineering and other even more applied areas. The interaction occurs
between all fields: the applied fields provide motivation and concrete
problems, which are then abstracted and solved within TCS; finally,
the solutions are converted within the applied disciplines to the real
life working applications. Hence the TCS conference wants to put the
areas of TCS into different perspectives: on the one side completely
theoretical, but on the other side also applied.
The fields covered by the conference include, but are not limited to:
* Algorithms and Complexity
* Data Structures
* Formal Languages and Automata
* Theory of Programming Languages
* Discrete Mathematics
* Computational Geometry
* Symbolic Computation
* Etc.