ODYSSEUS 2003 is the second international workshop on freight transportation and logistics. On his way back from Troy to Ithaca, Odysseus had to manage transportation of both his soldiers and stolen goods. He was not very successful in terms of quality (missed deadlines, lost freight) - but always managed to survive. Survival in the global competitive markets of today requires different skills. The transportation business is becoming increasingly quality and cost oriented. As a consequence, sophisticated, integrated hard- and software is essential in the management of freight transportation systems. This workshop is dedicated to models, algorithms, strategies, and software for such systems. The aim of the workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers who study and implement solutions to management problems from one or several of the fields listed in the topics.
- Transportation Network Design
- Transportation Network Routing
- Distribution Networks
- Fleet and Crew Management
- Supply Chain Optimization
- Intelligent Transportation Systems for
Logistics and Freight Transportation
- Terminal Management
- Rail Management
- Methods and tools for real or quasi real-time decisions for Logistics and Freight Transportation
- Methods and tools in the Internet age and links to e-commerce for Logistics and Freight Transportation
All presentations will be plenary, which limits the number of presentations to about 45. This policy should allow discussions during and after the presentations and encourage an active participation, which is not possible at larger conferences. An important goal of the workshop should be not only to know what others do, but to foster new collaborations and joint projects. We, therefore, encourage the presentation of ongoing projects and recent results. Moreover, the workshop is intended as a forum for exchange of experience and results from practical projects, development of models, algorithms, and implementation of software.