The 13th ECMI conference will take place from 21-25 June 2004 in
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The conference will be devoted to
mathematical modelling, analysis and simulation of problems arising in a
practical context. In particular the following application areas have
been chosen: Aerospace, Electronic industry, Chemical technology, Life
sciences, Materials, Geophysics, Financial mathematics, Water flow.
The conference is intended for mathematicians, scientists and engineers,
both from industry and academia. ECMI conferences have a long-standing
tradition of bringing together researchers from various disciplines, who
work on often only seemingly different disciplines. The transversality
of mathematics makes it a versatile tool in a large variety of
applications, in particular when using it in computational modeling.
On each of the main topics there will be invited lectures by
distinguished researchers. Besides, the conference will have
minisymposia on these topics, both invited and contributed ones.
Moreover there will an opportunity to give a contributed paper and a
poster. A topic will typically be concentrated to period of 1-2 days, to
accommodate attendees with less available time. Herwith we invite you to
submit proposals on a topic in line with the themes of the conference.
Minisymposia: A minisymposium has a slot of 2 hours and will typically
consist of 4 speakers. A proposal should consist of a two page
abstract, with names and affiliations of potential speakers. The details
are left to the organizer/proposer.
Contributed papers: A contributed oral paper will have 20 minutes. A
proposal should contain a one page abstract and include full address.
Posters: There will be a number of poster sessions throughout the week.