JCIS 2003 is the seventh gathering in an ongoing series of jointly held conferences dedicated to developing emerging science and technology related to intelligent machinery and systems. For the last decade, the Joint Conference on Information Sciences has been serving scientists, engineers, technology managers and others committed to multi-disciplinary research. The 7th JCIS, scheduled to be held September 26-30, 2003 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Cary, North Carolina, USA, will feature high profile keynote speakers in fuzzy theory and technology; natural computing; computational biology; photonics; and computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing, among others. About 400 technical papers are expected to be presented over the five-day conference.
JCIS is governed by the board of directors of the Association for Intelligent Machinery (AIM), an organization composed of distinguished researchers dedicated to achieving excellence in scientific research and technological development. AIM believes that promoting brain and cognitive research will help lead to commercialization of intelligent engineering systems. The association is committed to bringing together isolated research communities, recognizing that researchers who work together synergistically can accomplish superior commercial products. JCIS places a major emphasis on topics not usually covered by IEEE, ACM, or other major professional societies. It was organized to complement the efforts of these organizations, not to duplicate their excellent programs and well-recognized contributions.